Spouses passport.
Family register, birth and or marriage certificates in case of married people.
Titled deed.
Payment of levy (SUMA).
Passport and NIE.
Documentation related to payments (dates and or method of payments).
Form S-1 (from your bank) if payments are in cash or bank drafts and above 100,000 euros for Residents or 10,000 euros for Non-Residents (amounts related to each individual providing money for the purchase). Further information at Notary´s office.
If you are buying a property in a shared development or an individual flat in a block, you must obtain the Administrator´s certificate, related to the state of joint ownership expenses.
Título de propiedad del vendedor.
D.N.I. compradores y vendedores y en su caso poderes de la sociedad o vigencia del cargo del representante.
Estatutos de la sociedad emisora de las acciones o participaciones.
Founder´s passport.
Valid certificate of incorporation, from the Companies Registry (you can get this from the Notary´s office)
Articles of association. You can get them at the Notary´s office.
You can get the C.I.F (legal identification code) from the Notary´s office. In case of possessing a temporary C.I.F, you must bring that documentation with you.Documentos de identidad de los fundadores.
Financial certificate related minimal capital requirement demonstrating that the founder has such funds available.
Min. capital in S.L.N.E. 3.012 €, Max. 120.202 €
Min. capital in S.R.L., 3.000 €
Min. capital in S.A., 60.000 €
The competent Notary is the one in the place where the testator had had his/her last residence in Spain.
Testator´s (Deceased´s) passport.
Family register (or UK birth certificates).
Death certificate.
Certificate of last wills.
Deceased´s registration certificate.
If some of the children have died before the testator, it is necessary to bring his/her death certificate and the children’s and grandchildren’s birth certificates.
If the testator was a widow/er, it will be necessary to bring her/his spouse´s death certificate.
Testator´s passport.
Personal appearance by all heirs or their representatives.
Title deeds of all goods, which are included in the inheritance.
List of goods and accounts balance.
Testator´s death certificate.
Attestation of last will (you can get this from the Notary´s office)
Authorized copy of will (you can get this from the Notary´s office) or an intestate certificate of the pronouncement of heirs (you can get this from the Notary´s office).
Plazo 6 meses desde fallecimiento
Certificado de defunción y últimas voluntades
Copia autorizada del testamento
Datos de los herederos
Títulos que acrediten la propiedad de los bienes:
en Inmuebles el I.B.I.
en valores mobiliarios, cuentas corrientes, etc.: certificados y extractos bancarios
The will is most often an unilateral act. To make an individual will each is the most common; you must bring your passport.
In addition it is necessary to bring details of your inheritors including date and birthplace, parents, children and testator´s address, etc.
If in the will goods are being distributed you must demonstrate the degree of your legal ownership for an accurate reflection in the will.
General: Grantor of power´s passport. Attorney´s or individuals identification details.
Procedural: Grantor of power´s passport. List of lawyers and legal representatives details must be obtained from their offices and brought with you to the Notary’s office.
Merchant: Grantor of power´s passport. Documentation of the company, which is grantor of power (Deed of incorporation and designation of administrative authorities). Attorney´s or individuals identification details. Determination of scope of power, with special reference to capability of hiring and tituting employees.